- 本文地址: https://www.laruence.com/2009/06/01/905.html
- 转载请注明出处
1. 修整了一个问题应付最近的开心网调整.
2. 使用OOP重写
version 1.0.2:开心网调整了URL, 已经调整相应策略. 2009.06.09
基于Gxd(onmouse.cn)的version 0.0.1重写
// ==UserScript== // @name kaixin.app.garden // @namespace Kaixin.app.garden // @description Garden for kaixin001.com // @version 1.0.3 // @author laruence based on Gxd(onemouse.cn) version 1.0.0 // @include http://www.kaixin001.com/!house/garden/index.php* // ==/UserScript== var Ganov = function() { /** * various url we need to post/get */ var conf_url = 'http://www.kaixin001.com/!house/!garden/getconf.php'; var friend_url = 'http://www.kaixin001.com/interface/suggestfriend.php?type=all'; var havest_url = 'http://www.kaixin001.com/!house/!garden/havest.php'; var mature_url = 'http://www.kaixin001.com/!house/!garden/getfriendmature.php'; var water_url = 'http://www.kaixin001.com/!house/!garden/water.php'; /** * refer to the host function */ var verify = unsafeWindow.g_verify; /** * running state relative variables */ var _self = this; var msgDiv = 0; var btn = null; var flag = false; var friends = []; var links = []; var cursor = 0; var done = 1; var running = 0; if ( !Ganov.__intialized__ ) { Ganov.prototype.ownerInfo = function(name, uid){ var xurl = conf_url + '?fuid=' + uid + '&r=' + Math.random() + '&verify=' + verify; GM_xmlhttpRequest( { method : "GET", url : xurl, onload : function(o) { var txt = o.responseText; // 没有安装该应用 if(txt.substr(0, 5).replace(/(\s*)/,"") != "<conf") { return; } // 去掉某些不可见字符。 txt = txt.replace(/<steal>(.*)<\/steal>/,""); var docParser = new DOMParser(); try { var doc = docParser.parseFromString(txt, "application/xml"); var xml = xml2array(doc); var items = xml.conf.garden.item; var name = xml.conf.account.name for(var i in items) { var farmNum = items[i].farmnum; //0 非爱心田, 1 爱心田 var shared = items[i].shared; if(shared == 1) { //GM_log(" shared go"); continue; } var status = items[i].status; if(status < 1) { //GM_log(" status go "); continue; } /* var cropsid = items[i].cropsid; if(cropsid < 1) { continue; } */ //cropsStatus = 1 , 未成熟,2 成熟, -1 偷完了。 var cropsStatus = items[i].cropsstatus; if(cropsStatus != 2) { continue; } /* var water = items[i].water; GM_log(water); if(water < 5) { // XXX to water _self.water(uid, farmNum); } */ var crops = items[i].crops; if(crops.indexOf("已偷") < 1) { links.push({'name' : name, 'farmNum' : farmNum, 'fuid' : uid}); _self.beginSteal(); } else { _self.log("已经偷过 " + name + " " + '的第' + farmNum + "块地的菜了"); } } } catch(e) { _self.log(e); _self.log(txt); } } }); } Ganov.prototype.beginSteal = function(){ if( !running ) { _self.doSteal(); running = 1; } } Ganov.prototype.doSteal = function(){ if ( done ) { done = 0; if(cursor < links.length) { var curData = links[cursor]; var murl = (havest_url + '?farmnum=' + curData.farmNum + '&verify=' + verify + '&seedid=0&r=' + Math.random() + '&fuid=' + curData.fuid); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : 'GET', url : murl, onload : function(o) { var xml = o.responseText; var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(xml, "application/xml"); var d = xml2array(doc); if(d.data.ret && d.data.ret == 'fail') { _self.log("偷 " + curData.name + " 失败,原因: " + d.data.reason); } else if(d.data.ret && d.data.ret == 'succ'){ _self.log("您偷了" + curData.name + " " + d.data.stealnum + ' 个 ' + d.data.seedname); } else { _self.log("Some error occur when steal " + curData.name + ":" + murl); } done = 1; } }); cursor ++; } } setTimeout(_self.doSteal, 3000); } Ganov.prototype.start = function(){ var murl = mature_url + '?verify=' + verify + '&r=' + Math.random(); GM_xmlhttpRequest( { method : 'GET', url : murl, onload : function (o) { var txt = o.responseText; var ret = []; try { eval("ret = " + txt + ";"); } catch(e) { GM_log("get data error " + murl); GM_log("return is " + txt); } ret.friend.forEach(function(user){ _self.ownerInfo(user.realname, user.uid); }); } } ); } Ganov.prototype.init = function(){ if(!btn) { var x = document.createElement("div"); x.id = "m-btn-o"; x.innerHTML = "<style>#m-btn-o{border:solid 2px red;background-color:#ccc;left:740px;top:110px;position:absolute;}</style>"; x.innerHTML += "<button id='m-btn'>Begin to Steal</button>"; document.body.appendChild(x); btn = document.getElementById("m-btn"); btn.addEventListener("click", _self.start, false); } } Ganov.prototype.log = function(msg){ if(!msgDiv) { var c = document.createElement("div"); c.id = "m-msg-o"; c.innerHTML = "<style>#m-msg{border:solid 2px red;background-color:#ccc;position:absolute;left:10px;top:100px;}</style>"; c.innerHTML += "<div class='title'></div><div class='body' id='m-msg'></div><div class='footer'></div>"; document.body.appendChild(c); msgDiv = document.getElementById("m-msg"); msgDiv.innerHTML = "结果:<br/>"; } msgDiv.innerHTML += msg + "<br/>"; } Ganov.prototype.water = function(fuid, farmNum){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : 'GET', url : water_url + '?fuid=' + fuid + '&verify' + verify + '&seedid=0&farmnum=' +farmNum + '&r=' + Math.random(), onload:function(o){GM_log("done");}, onfaiure : function(o){GM_log("fail");} }); } Ganov.__intialized__ = true; } } //copy from http://www.openjs.com/scripts/xml_parser/xml2array.js var not_whitespace = new RegExp(/[^\s]/); //This can be given inside the funciton - I made it a global variable to make the scipt a little bit faster. var parent_count; function xml2array(xmlDoc, parent_count){ var arr; var parent = ""; parent_count = parent_count || new Object; var attribute_inside = 0; /*:CONFIG: Value - 1 or 0 * If 1, Value and Attribute will be shown inside the tag - like this... * For the XML string... * <guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.bin-co.com/</guid> * The resulting array will be... * array['guid']['value'] = "http://www.bin-co.com/"; * array['guid']['attribute_isPermaLink'] = "true"; * * If 0, the value will be inside the tag but the attribute will be outside - like this... * For the same XML String the resulting array will be... * array['guid'] = "http://www.bin-co.com/"; * array['attribute_guid_isPermaLink'] = "true"; */ if(xmlDoc.nodeName && xmlDoc.nodeName.charAt(0) != "#") { if(xmlDoc.childNodes.length > 1) { //If its a parent arr = new Object; parent = xmlDoc.nodeName; } } var value = xmlDoc.nodeValue; if(xmlDoc.parentNode && xmlDoc.parentNode.nodeName && value) { if(not_whitespace.test(value)) {//If its a child arr = new Object; arr[xmlDoc.parentNode.nodeName] = value; } } if(xmlDoc.childNodes.length) { if(xmlDoc.childNodes.length == 1) { //Just one item in this tag. arr = xml2array(xmlDoc.childNodes[0],parent_count); //:RECURSION: } else { //If there is more than one childNodes, go thru them one by one and get their results. var index = 0; for(var i=0; i<xmlDoc.childNodes.length; i++) {//Go thru all the child nodes. var temp = xml2array(xmlDoc.childNodes[i],parent_count); //:RECURSION: if(temp) { var assoc = false; var arr_count = 0; for(key in temp) { if(isNaN(key)) assoc = true; arr_count++; if(arr_count>2) break;//We just need to know wether it is a single value array or not } if(assoc && arr_count == 1) { if(arr[key]) { //If another element exists with the same tag name before, // put it in a numeric array. //Find out how many time this parent made its appearance if(!parent_count || !parent_count[key]) { parent_count[key] = 0; var temp_arr = arr[key]; arr[key] = new Object; arr[key][0] = temp_arr; } parent_count[key]++; arr[key][parent_count[key]] = temp[key]; //Members of of a numeric array } else { parent_count[key] = 0; arr[key] = temp[key]; if(xmlDoc.childNodes[i].attributes && xmlDoc.childNodes[i].attributes.length) { for(var j=0; j<xmlDoc.childNodes[i].attributes.length; j++) { var nname = xmlDoc.childNodes[i].attributes[j].nodeName; if(nname) { /* Value and Attribute inside the tag */ if(attribute_inside) { var temp_arr = arr[key]; arr[key] = new Object; arr[key]['value'] = temp_arr; arr[key]['attribute_'+nname] = xmlDoc.childNodes[i].attributes[j].nodeValue; } else { /* Value in the tag and Attribute otside the tag(in parent) */ arr['attribute_' + key + '_' + nname] = xmlDoc.childNodes[i].attributes[j].nodeValue; } } } //End of 'for(var j=0; j<xmlDoc. ...' } //End of 'if(xmlDoc.childNodes[i] ...' } } else { arr[index] = temp; index++; } } //End of 'if(temp) {' } //End of 'for(var i=0; i<xmlDoc. ...' } } if(parent && arr) { var temp = arr; arr = new Object; arr[parent] = temp; } return arr; } var ganov = new Ganov(); ganov.init();
i realy like your vlog post sir very nice love you
[…] 开心网偷菜外挂 […]
Кажется, это подойдет.
开心网最近搞了个”花园精灵”,类似图片验证码之类的, 导致这个脚本运行的时候可能会不作用, 这个时候需要手动输入下那个验证就可以继续使用了
不好意思, 我又来了,我怎么在在父框架调用iframe里的函数啊
恩, 我是拿来练练手, 最近研究JS的一些机制