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今天遇到一个问题,需要查看一个函数是定义在哪个模块的, 从而去定位这个模块,翻看其源码。因为我们的环境还不容许使用Reflection APIS, 就直接写脚本了, 没什么大用,就是挺有意思的,;)

  1. get_function_container.php
  2. <?php
  3. $function_name = $argv[1];
  4. $modules = get_loaded_extensions();
  5. foreach($modules as $m){
  6.     $funcs = get_extension_funcs($m);
  7.     if(in_array($function_name, $funcs)){
  8.         printf("%s was defined in Module: %s\n", $function_name, $m);;
  9.         exit;
  10.     }
  11. }
  12. print $function_name ." Must be defined in user defined PHP script files\n";
  13. ?>


  1. php -f get_function_container.php 'function_name'


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  2. lxylxy888666
    lxylxy888666 May 2, 2010


  3. Mark long
    Mark long May 20, 2009

    $funcs = get_extension_funcs($m);
    $funcs = (array)get_extension_funcs($m);

    • laruence
      laruence May 20, 2009

      array get_loaded_extensions ( void )

  4. Anonymous
    Anonymous October 7, 2008

    ,,,,因为我们的环境还不容许使用Reflection APIS, 就直接写脚本了, 没什么大用,就是挺有意思的,;)

  5. xyz
    xyz October 7, 2008

    C:\>php --rf array_search
    Function [ <internal:standard> function array_search ] {
    – Parameters [3] {
    Parameter #0 [ $needle ]
    Parameter #1 [ $haystack ]
    Parameter #2 [ $strict ]

  6. 雪候鸟
    雪候鸟 September 26, 2008

    哦? 受教了,谢谢,呵呵。

  7. NoAngels
    NoAngels September 26, 2008

    $function_name = $argv[1];
    $modules = get_loaded_extensions();
    foreach($modules as $m){
    $funcs = get_extension_funcs($m);
    if (is_array($funcs)){
    if(in_array($function_name, $funcs)){
    printf(“%s was defined in Module: %s\n”, $function_name, $m);;

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