PHP5.3 α2 已经放出1个多月了, 最近一直都忙一些私人的事情, 今天终于有点时间.
赶紧下来试用, apache2.x + php5.3 alpha2
- Namespaces (documentation maybe out dated)
- Late static binding and __callStatic
- Lambda functions and closures
- Addition of the intl, phar (phar is scheduled for some more work a head of alpha2), fileinfo and sqlite3 extensions
- Optional cyclic garbage collection
- Optional support for the MySQLnd replacement driver for libmysql
- Windows older than Windows 2000 (Windows 98, NT4, etc.) are not supported anymore (details)
- New syntax features like NOWDOC, limited GOTO, ternary short cut "?:"
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